Using the Registry Cleaner, you can clean the Windows Registry to fix registry issues, resulting in no unwanted application crashes. It includes two sub-modules: Registry Cleaner and Registry Optimizer. Since SSD does not get fragmented hence defragmentation is not required. Its Smart Defrag feature detects SSD automatically and denies to defrag. It also addresses hidden privacy, exposes traces, fixes registry issues, and then optimizes the registry to boost the performance of Windows machines. Smart PC Care module of Systweak Advanced System Optimizer lets you clean unwanted data and free up disk space. You can also schedule automatic Smart PC Care to make your PC healthy. A single click on this option will perform cleaning and optimizing of your PC. There is a button labeled with “ Start Smart PC Care” on the Home interface of this software. It is divided into several modules so that a novice can also operate it efficiently. Once you download, install and run it for the first time on your computer, it automatically creates a backup of system files and even creates a system restore point without your intervention.