
Os nephilins pdf
Os nephilins pdf

However, clearly, not all of the fallen angels are imprisoned. If all of the fallen angels are imprisoned, then there must be an alternate explanation for the existence of demons thus, the need for the Nephilim explanation. Many misunderstand the “spirits in prison” to be all of the fallen angels who rebelled against God. The Nephilim explanation for the origin of the demons is partly the result of a misunderstanding of who exactly are the “ spirits in prison” in 1 Peter 3:19 (see also Jude 6). This would also make some sense from the perspective of the fallen angels, who are outnumbered 2-1 by the holy angels (see Revelation 12:4), giving them a good reason to seek to increase their ranks. This would possibly explain the desire the demons have to possess human beings, thus gaining control over a physical body.

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The presumption is that, as angelic-human hybrids, the spirits of the Nephilim would have been different from the human soul-spirit, having the ability to remain present in this world despite no longer having a physical body. Some speculate that the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim remained on the earth and became what we now refer to as demons.

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As a background, please read our articles on “ Who were the sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4?”, and “ Who were the Nephilim?” With the understanding that the sons of God were the fallen angels, and that the Nephilim were the hybrid offspring of the union between the fallen angels and human women, the question then arises: What happened to the spirits of the Nephilim after they were killed, whether by the flood, or in the case of the possible post-flood Nephilim (Genesis 6:4 Numbers 13:33), after the flood?

Os nephilins pdf